I’m curious what and if other writers have rituals they’d be willing to share. Or what rituals they’d like to implement. I’ve heard of some writers lighting a candle to write.

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Yes, I'm curious, too!

Based on the replies to @BethKempton's question, it seems like rituals vary a lot, and not everyone has them.

When I wrote fiction and fanfiction I wrote a daily prompt with friends. However, since I started writing professionally, I haven't worked out a consistent ritual beyond writing first thing after my morning coffee. I haven't tried the candle yet, have you?

Do you have a ritual?

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I don't yet. I've been battling sick kiddos this last week, but I am going to a writer's retreat and I'll ask them.

I do have a friend who does the candle thing and I think some friends have a writing snack that they only eat while writing.

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