I've been thinking a lot lately about "global" and "detail-oriented" thinking styles. I'm not satisfied with what I've read on the subject, because it conflates having a global style with being spatially bright but verbally less talented and having a detail-oriented style with the reverse. It also conflates global thinking with preferring to take in information visually and detail-oriented thinking with preferring auditory input. I see this as a mistake, and not only because I believe myself to be a global thinker with verbal talents, spatial weaknesses, and difficulties with auditory learning. More convincingly, one might consider the enhanced perceptual processing of autistic people to be both detail-oriented and highly visual.
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A global-to-local continuum of thinking…
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I've been thinking a lot lately about "global" and "detail-oriented" thinking styles. I'm not satisfied with what I've read on the subject, because it conflates having a global style with being spatially bright but verbally less talented and having a detail-oriented style with the reverse. It also conflates global thinking with preferring to take in information visually and detail-oriented thinking with preferring auditory input. I see this as a mistake, and not only because I believe myself to be a global thinker with verbal talents, spatial weaknesses, and difficulties with auditory learning. More convincingly, one might consider the enhanced perceptual processing of autistic people to be both detail-oriented and highly visual.